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Festival del Cinema di Ravenna - XXI Edizione


Friday 17 November at 6pm

Giampaolo Simi will present his most recent book, Il client of regard (Sellerio, 2023), accompanied by Nevio Galeati.

When he was a journalist, Dario Corbo only sought the truth that his readers would like. Since he no longer has a newspaper, he has discovered many truths that he didn't like at all. This is why he doesn't want to collaborate with the police in the investigation that his ex-wife Giulia had undertaken at the cost of his life. An Etruscan necropolis devastated in years of nocturnal excavations, a traffic that enriched the Currè family, the patriarch Vincenzo, his daughter Maddalena who is gaining recognition as a contemporary art gallery owner, her enigmatic companion Cosimo Roi, who manages that money for shelter of a Swiss financial company. Corbo has other priorities, a son to take care of, his impossible love for Nora Beckford. The colonel of the carabinieri calls him back to his duties, and the Currè clan attacks the Beckford Foundation and the prestige it represents. The plan to enter the Scuda as masters is diabolically devised, a subtle trap into which Nora will fall first, with her determination, her dreams and her frailties. But above all with her love for Dario, with whom she is finally breaking her own internal chains.

As in a spy story, Corbo plays on multiple tables, investigates and acquires information, defuses dangers, manipulates friends and enemies, and tells each interlocutor the right lie, all to protect his son and save Nora and the Foundation. The reckoning with the past, of him and of our country, cannot be postponed.

Giampaolo Simi

Giampaolo Simi, born in Viareggio in 1965, published The body of the Englishman (2004) and Rosa Elettrica (2007) with Einaudi. His books have received various prizes and have been translated both in France (published in Gallimard's Série noire and by Sonatine) and in Germany (Bertelsmann). Scriptwriter and screenwriter of series such as RIS and Crimini, he is the author of the fiction Nero a mezzo. He collaborated on the screenplay of the series Viola come il mare, for the Mediaset networks (autumn 2022). With Davide Barletti, Carlo D'Amicis and Wilma Labate he wrote the TV film Se mi lasci ti sposo, which aired in December 2022 on Rai1 as part of the sixth season of As long as it ends well.

Together with the actress and director Piera Degli Esposti he wrote L'estate di Piera (2020).


With Sellerio he published Cosa resta di noi (Scerbanenco Award 2015), I giorni del Giudazione (2019), The author will be absent (2023). And also The Girl Wrong (Chianti Literary Prize 2018), Come una famiglia (2018, in the sixth finalist of the Bancarella 2019) and Senza dirci addio (2022), i.e. the first three books featuring Dario Corbo as the protagonist.


He plays with the number 6 shirt in the Osvaldo Soriano Football Club, the Italian National Writers' Team. And he also plays pop and rock with a Fender Stratocaster in the cover band Flying Circus.

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